About Us

Over the last 20 years, we've offered products which take advantage of the most up to date micro-technology, so that you can drink the cleanest, safest & tastiest drinking water. We provide the most advanced filtration products the world has to offer. From chlorine filters, to 5 - Stage Units, we have a water system that suits everyone, allowing you to enjoy that crystal clean taste in every glass.


Bluewater Filtration Ltd., Ireland's Leading supplier of water filtration products, has recently launched an exciting new concept by providing UNIVERSAL water filtration solutions to cater specifically for the specialist hardware shops and retail industry.

With water quality now of the utmost importance in both domestic and industrial applications, our complete range of water filtration products and in-house expertise gives you the retailer a unique opportunity to capture a major portion of the market, in what is quickly becoming a multi-million Euro business in Ireland alone.

By Universal we mean housings and filters that are freely available throughout the world. Our housings require standard fittings and our filters are the water industry standard OBEs (Open Both Ends) and can therefore be used in all standard housings. As such, you are guaranteed continuity of supply.